Online Islamic Studies Tutoring with Islamic Global Link


We believe that we can change the world through education. Being Muslims in this modern world, we can fight (Islamophobia) with proper knowledge of Islam, and bring that knowledge to practical life. We can make a positive change in the world towards Islam, and fight against (Islamophobia). Islam is not the religion portrayed in the world these days.

Our sole duty is to be a good Muslim to try to make a positive image of Islam in the world. We must have some soul information about Islam, and we must have a firm grip on Islamic studies.


Islamic Global Link online education has stepped forward, and designed another online course for new muslims and our students, which (Teaches) the (outline) of Islam. It covers all the aspects of Islam including religious, social, economical financial, and cultural aspects of life.

We welcome you to join our online Islamic study course to change yourself and bring a slight change in your society as well as we believe that add-drop and drop when combined, will it make an ocean.


Online Islamic Study Course


We are offered by Islamic Global Link education promise you to fulfil the desire of the Holy Prophet S.A.W that all the Muslims must have a strong knowledge of Islam. The syllabus of this program is based upon Usool-ud-deen (religious foundations) of all the famous religious universities of the world.()


With a primary objective to spread religious language and create a positive image of Islam and Muslims worldwide, you can join our Islamic studies courses. We offer our daily class of one hour for those who have a busy schedule can join our biweekly class, and a three-hour-long weekend class offered by Islamic Global Link online education to their enrolled students to join according to their ease. Islamic Global Link provides both male and female instructors and teaches our students to gender wise.


The online Islamic studies program offered by Islamic Global Link covers a lot of subjects that are important for every Muslim to understand, including Aqeedad, Hadith, and Quran (the recitation and translation) Tafseer, Fiqah, and Islamic History, along with Islamic Social and Financial System.

Every topic is divided into different levels. According to its difficulty, and the clothes start from basic knowledge, increasing and complicated steps towards advanced complex terms and learning.


Being an international religious online institute. We welcome our non Muslims, new Muslim brothers and sisters to our online Islamic studies courses. Registration is free for Ramadan for the next three months.

We offer a half fee concession for new non Muslim brothers and sisters so that they can understand Islam easily. Whatever we are doing, we seek the reward of this all from Allah only.


Why Study Online Islamic Studies?


Islam is the world’s second largest religion with only Christianity having more adherents. This means that over one billion people adhere to Islamic Teachings, Understanding and Interacting with them requires understanding their belief systems.


Studying Islam can help you become more open-minded. Islamic studies develop an understanding of other faiths and cultures besides Islam. It will come in handy, if you plan to travel or work in areas with a sizable Muslim population. It can also help you improve your analytical and critical thinking skills.


How Our Tutors Can Help You With Online Islamic Studies


We are offering tutoring services in various Islamic Courses including Islamic studies, Quranic and Hadith studies at various educational levels. Our professional tutors have extensive experience. They will assist you with everything from memorizing facts to improving your revision and exam techniques.


You can not only improve your fundamental understanding of Islamic Studies. But also boost your confidence and alleviate some of the stress of studying. This will also help you achieve larger goals, such as attending university or landing your dream job.

Activities Involved

  • Specific topics of Islam like Toheed , Risalat , Aakhrat etc.
  • Fundamental of Islam
  • Knowledge about Quran
  • Knowledge about famous Islamic personalities
  • Seerat Tun Nabi (SAW)
  • Masnnon Dua’s
  • Some specific Surah
  • 40 Hadiths
  • Short Islamic History
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