About Us


Commenced in 2009, in Rawalpindi, Pakistan, Islamic Global Link is online, interactive tutoring service provider. Using both traditional and modern modules of teaching, we deploy cutting edge learning tools. Pioneer in Islamic online tutoring, breaking the barriers of age, geographic location, and time zone. Our tutors are experienced, qualified, competent and well-trained. We practice Islamic Culture by providing separate classes to male and female students. Our more than 45,000 students are living examples of Islamic values taught in our institute.

Islamic Education

Our Mission

To promote Islamic culture with educational excellence. Apprenticeship, collaboration, and respect enrich our working environments. We want to cultivate a learning environment that promotes educational achievement, leadership, and Islamic standards. Our goal is to provide every student with a high-quality, intellectually stimulating environment that will help them succeed.

Our Vision

Nurturing Muslim Kids, Inspiring Tomorrow’s Leaders.
We aim to promote Islamic Culture and values to the community. Our personalized approach is helpful to secure excellence, stemming from the conviction that each person is unique and special, capable of overcoming any perceived limitations.

Islamic Education

Benefits of
Islamic Global Link

Islamic Global Link is offering online one-to-one, flexible, convenient mentorship. Our affordable mentorship is based on Islamic teachings and helpful in eradication of discriminating among rich and poor. Islamic Global Link introducing world class round the clock tutoring services are helpful in eliminating time, age and geographic barriers.

Awesome Tutors

We hire qualified, well-trained, experienced tutors to nurture Islamic values and culture in your children.

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Best Program

Curriculums of our courses are tailor-made, produced and taught by Industry leaders, make these courses “The best and unique”.

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Global Certificate

Our Global certifications are widely accepted. It allows you to develop broad based knowledge and critical skills in Islamic Learning.

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Students Support

Our Student Support Services support outstanding students from socio-economically disadvantage to attain world class education.

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